18 research outputs found


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    This research was conducted to find out the interaction of organic fertilizer, NPK with BPF on Ultisols of the organic carbon, total nitrogen, N uptake, and result of sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt). The research was conducted from June to September 2013 at the Experimental Ciparanje, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java elavated at 724 meters above sea level. The experimental design used was Randomized Block Design (RAK) arranged in factorial pattern with 14 treatments and three replicates. The first factor is organic and NPK fertilizers (P) consisting of seven levels : without organic fertilizer and NPK; POPG + ½ dose of NPK; POPG + 1 dose of NPK: Compost + ½ dose of NPK; Compost + 1 dose of NPK; Manure + ½ dose of NPK; Manure + 1 dose of NPK. The second factor is the Solvent of phosphoric Bacteria (B) consisting of two levels : without the BPF and BPF 10 mL The results of experiment showed that there was not interaction effect between different called organic fertilizer and NPK with BPF of organic carbon, total nitrogen, plant uptake of N, and results of sweet corn. Independently organic fertilizer, NPK gave significant effect on organic carbon, total nitrogen, plant uptake of N, results of sweet corn and BPF was significant effect of organic carbon and plant uptake of N but has not siginificant effect of total nitrogen and results sweet corn. Treatment POPG with 1 dose of NPK shows the best formulations can improve results of sweet corn on Ultisols Jatinangor, that is 249,17 g plant-1 or 9 t ha-1

    Peningkatan Kualitas Tanah Bekas Tambang Pasir Melalui Penambahan Amelioran Biologis

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    ABSTRACTImproving soil quality from sand mining area by application of biological ameliorantsSoil from disturbed mine sites render to be unfertile and have poor characteristics. One of the solutions to improve the soil and to rehabilitate the ecosystem is through application of biological amendments such as organic matter, soil microbes, and plant which known to be adaptive such as dragon fruit (Hylocereus costaricensis). This study was aimed at understanding the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and organic matter on soil C-organic, soil N-total, soil C/N, and length of bud of dragon fruits grown on soil originated from sand mining, Sumedang, Indonesia under greenhouse condition. Different types of organic matter i.e. chicken manure, goat manure, cow manure and rabbit manure were applied. Results of experiment showed that application of manures and AMF was significantly improved soil C-organic content, N-total, and C/N, as well as length of bud of dragon fruit plants. Planting soil from sand mine sites with dragon fruit combined with organic matter and mycorrhiza has potential as restoration tools on ecosystem of sand-mining areas.Keywords: Sand-mine, Mycorrhiza, Manure, Dragon fruitABSTRAKTanah pada lahan bekas tambang galian pasir memiliki tingkat kesuburan yang rendah. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas tanah dan ekosistem di wilayah penambangan pasir adalah melalui aplikasi amelioran biologis berupa bahan organik, mikroba tanah, dan tanaman yang dikenal adaptif terhadap lahan berpasir, seperti buah naga (Hylocereus costaricensis). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek pemberian berbagai jenis pupuk kandang (PK: berasal dari kotoran ayam, kambing, sapi, dan kelinci) dan fungi mikoriza arbuskula (FMA) terhadap kandungan C-organik, N-total, C/N tanah dan panjang tunas bibit buah naga super merah yang ditanam pada tanah bekas tambang pasir asal Sumedang, Indonesia pada kondisi rumah kaca. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pemberikan pupuk kandang dan mikoriza meningkatkan kandungan C-organik, N-total, C/N tanah dan panjang tunas bibit buah naga super merah secara nyata. Kombinasi PK sapi dengan FMA atau PK kelinci tanpa FMA menghasilkan tunas bibit buah naga terbaik. Penanaman buah naga di lahan bekas tambang pasir yang dikombinasikan dengan pupuk kandang dan mikroba tanah seperti fungi mikoriza memiliki potensi sebagai sarana untuk restorasi ekosistem di wilayah penambangan pasir.Kata kunci: Tambang pasir galian C, Pupuk kandang, Mikoriza, Buah nag

    Improvement of Soil Chemical Properties of Typic Hapludult After Application of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers

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    Tuberose (Polyanthes tuberosa L.) is a potential flowering plant that will be developed in Jatinangor, West Java, Indonesia. However, the characteristics of Typic Hapludult soil in Jatinangor , i.e. clay texture, acidic pH, and high amount of total-P but low in available-P cause the tuberose difficult to grow optimally. The aim of this study was to obtain the potential ratio of organic and inorganic fertilizer dosages for tuberose grown on Typic Hapludult. The combinations of organic and inorganic fertilizers with different ratios (0/0; 0/1; 1/0; 0.5/0.5; 0.5/1; 1/0.5; 1/1.5; 1.5/0; 1.5/0.5, and 1.5/) were applied. The application of the combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers showed positive effects on soil pH, available-P, total-P, and fresh weight of tuberose grown on Typic Hapludult. The application of 50% organic fertilizer + 50% inorganic fertilizer was an effective combination that was able to increase the fresh weight of tuberose up to 9240 g plant-1 or increasing the fresh weight by 39% in comparison to that in the control treatment (without fertilizer application).

    Does Ownership Structure Affect Dividend Decisions? Evidence from Indonesia’s Banking Industry

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    This research aims at examining the effect of ownership structure on dividend decisions in the context of Indonesia’s banking industry. The results of the study show that controlling ownerships have a negative effect on dividend payouts. Controlling ownerships in Indonesia’s banking industry prefer to pay less dividends to the shareholders. Further, the nonmonotonic test also shows negative effects of controlling ownerships on the dividend payouts. The study divide ownership into three categories: family-owned bank, government-owned bank, and foreign-owned bank. Government-owned banks and foreign-owned banks have negative effects on the dividends. However, family ownership positively affects dividend payouts. Family-owned banks pay more dividends to the shareholders. The results show that family-owned banks align their interests with those of the shareholders


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    Inceptisols is the type of soil in Indonesia that has low fertility. It is necessary to improve the soil fertility through the use of fertilizers and organic matter to raise the quality of Inceptisols. The research was aimed to know the effect of vermicompost and N, P, K fertilizer combination to Organic-C, Total N, C/N and yield of Edamame soybean on Inceptisols at Jatinangor. The research was carried out from March until June 2016 at Ciparanje Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture of University of Padjadjaran at Jatinangor, Sumedang at an altitude about ± 765 meters above sea level. The research used the Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) that consisted of eight treatments and three replications. The treatments were: control (no treatment), ½, 1, and 1½ dose recommendation of N, P, K fertilizer (Urea 100 kg ha-1 + SP-36 150 kg ha-1 + KCl 125 kg ha-1), also, 5 and 10 t ha-1 vermicompost. The results showed that combination treatment of vermicompost and N, P, K fertilizer significantly increased Organic-C, Total N, C/N and yeild of Edamame soybean. The combination of 1 dose recommendation of N, P, K fertilizer and 5 t ha-1 vermicompost gave the best result that produced 116,5 g plant ha-1(10,4 t ha-1) yield of Edamame soybean.Keywords: C/N, Edamame soybean, Inceptisols, N,P,K fertilizer, Vermicompost

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Jenis dan Dosis Pupuk Kandang terhadap pH, N-Total, Serapan-N, serta Hasil Tanaman Pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.) pada Fluventic Eutrudepts

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    ABSTRACTThe effect of the combination types and dosages of manure on soil reaction, N-total, N-uptake, and yield of pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.) on fluventics eutrudeptsThis research was conducted to determine the effect of the combination types and dosages of manure on soil reaction, N-total, N-uptake, and yield of pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.) on Fluventics Eutrudepts. The study was conducted from April to Agustus 2010 in the research station Greenhouse Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor Sumedang, West Java, elevated at 700 meters above sea level. The experimental design used was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with eleven treatments and three replications, consisted of without fertilizer (control); one dose of inorganic fertilizer and chicken manure 25 g/polybag; 0.75 dose of inorganic fertilizer and chicken manure 37.5 g/polybag; 0.5 dose of inorganic fertilizer and chicken manure 50 g/polybag; 0.25 dose of inorganic fertilizer and chicken manure 62.5 g/polybag; no inorganic fertilizer and chicken manure 75 g/polybag; one dose of inorganic fertilizer and sheep manure 25 g/polybag; 0.75 dose of inorganic fertilizer and sheep manure 37.5 g/polybag; 0.5 dose of inorganic fertilizer and sheep manure 50 g/polybag; 0.25 dose of inorganic fertilizer and sheep manure 62.5 g/polybag; no inorganic fertilizer and sheep manure 75 g/polybag. The results showed that significant effects of soil reaction, N-total, N-uptake, and yield of pakchoi from combination of types and dosages of manure. Treatment of 0.25 dose of inorganic fertilizer and chicken manure 62.5 g/polybag increased yields of pakchoi became 76.77 g.Keywords: Manure combination, Pakchoi, Fluventics EutrudeptsABSTRAKPercobaan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kombinasi jenis dan dosis pupuk kandang terhadap pH tanah, N-total, serapan-N, dan hasil tanaman pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.)pada Fluventics Eutrudepts. Percobaan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April sampai dengan Agustus 2010 di Rumah kaca kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat, dengan ketinggian tempat 700 meter di atas permukaan laut. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktor tunggal dengan sebelas perlakuan dan tiga ulangan, yaitu yang terdiri dari tanpa pupuk (Kontrol); 1 dosis pupuk anorganik dan Pupuk kandang ayam 25 g/polibeg; 0,75 dosis pupuk anorganik dan Pupuk kandang ayam 37,5 g/polibeg; 0,5 dosis pupuk anorganik dan Pupuk kandang ayam 50 g/polibeg; 0,25 dosis pupuk anorganik dan Pupuk kandang ayam 62,5 g/polibeg; tanpa pupuk anorganik dan pupuk kandang ayam 75 g/polibeg; 1 dosis pupuk anorganik dan pupuk kandang domba 25 g/polibeg; 0,75 dosis pupuk anorganik dan Pupuk kandang domba 37,5 g/polibeg; 0,5 dosis pupuk anorganik dan pupuk kandang domba 50 g/polibeg; 0,25 dosis pupuk anorganik dan pupuk kandang domba 62,5 g/polibeg; dan tanpa pupuk anorganik dan pupuk kandang domba 75 g/polibeg. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh terhadap pH, N-total, serapan N, dan hasil tanaman anorganik dan pupuk kandang ayam 62,5 g/polibeg dapat meningkatkan hasil tanaman pakchoi menjadi 76,77 g.Kata Kunci: Kombinasi pupuk kandang, pakchoi, Fluventics Eutrudept

    Kandungan C-Organik, N-Total Tanah serta Hasil Padi Gogo (Oryza sativa L.) Akibat Perlakuan Pupuk Organik pada Ultisols Asal Desa Kentrong, Provinsi Banten

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    ABSTRACTEffect of Organic Fertilizers on C-organic, total-N soil and Yield of Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) onUltisols Collected from Kentrong Area, Banten ProvinceThis experiment was aimed to study the effect of various kinds and dosages of organic fertilizers onC-organic, total-N soil and yield of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Ultisols collected from Kentrongarea, Banten Province. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with tentreatments and three replications. The treatments were control (without organic ferlitizer), poultrymanure 37.5 g/polibag, poultry manure 75 g/polybag, poultry manure 112.5 g/polybag,vermicomposting 37.5 g/polybag, vermicomposting 75 g/polybag, vermicomposting 112.5g/polybag, compost of straw 37.5 g/polybag, compost of straw 75 g/polybag and compost of straw112.5 g/polybag. The result showed that there was an effect of various kinds and dosages of organikfertilizers on C-Organic, but there was no effect on N-Uptake. For the yield of upland rice, dosageof 112.5 g/polybag of poultry manure gave the best result which was 21.08 g/polybag.Keywords: C-organic, total-N, organic fertilizersABSTRAKPercobaan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian macam dan dosis pupuk organikterhadap C-organik, N-total dan hasil padi gogo (Oryza sativa L.) pada Ultisols asal Desa Kentrong,Provinsi Banten. Metode percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK),dengan sepuluh perlakuan dan diulang tiga kali. Sepuluh taraf tersebut terdiri dari perlakuankontrol (tanpa pupuk organik), pupuk kandang ayam 37,5 g/polibeg, pupuk kandang ayam 75g/polibeg, pupuk kandang ayam 112,5 g/polibeg, pupuk kascing 37,5 g/polibeg, pupuk kascing 75g/polibeg, pupuk kascing 112,5 g/polibeg, pupuk kompos jerami 37,5 g/polibeg, pupuk komposjerami 75 g/polibeg, dan pupuk kompos jerami 112,5 g/polibeg. Hasil percobaan menunjukkanterdapat pengaruh pemberian macam dan dosis pupuk organik terhadap C-Organik tanah tetapitidak berpengaruh terhadap N-Total. Untuk hasil panen padi gogo, dosis 112,5 g/polibeg pupukkandang ayam memberikan hasil panen padi gogo terbaik yaitu 21,08 g/polibeg.Kata kunci: C-organik, N-total, pupuk organi

    Pemanfaatan Kulit Biji Hanjeli (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) sebagai Pupuk Silika Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan, Serapan P dan Si, serta Hasil Hanjeli pada Inceptisol Jatinangor

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    ABSTRACTUtilization of hanjeli seed skin as organic silica fertilizer in influencing the growth, P and Si absorption, and yield of hanjeli (Coix lacryma-jobi L.)This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of hanjeli seed shell as organic silica fertilizer on plant uptake and hanjeli pulut (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) yield on Inceptisol. The experiment was conducted in Experimental Station of Agriculture Faculty of Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency, West Java Province. The research was carried out in the altitude of 822 meters above sea level (asl) from May 2017 to October 2017. The method used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of ten treatments with three replications, i.e. control, NPK standard, NPK + ¼ silica emulsion, NPK + ½ silica emulsion, NPK + ¾ silica emulsion, NPK + 1 emulsion of ash silica, NPK + ¼ nano colloidal silica, NPK + ½ nano colloidal silica, NPK + ¾ nano colloidal silica, and NPK + 1 nano colloidal silica. The results showed that the application of silica fertilizer influenced the absorption and the yield of hanjeli plant. The treatment of NPK + 1 colloidal nano silica gave the highest hanjeli yield of 210.63 g/plant.Keywords: Hanjeli seed skin, Organic silica fertilizer, Plant absorption, YieldABSTRAKPercobaan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kulit biji hanjeli sebagai pupuk silika organik terhadap pertumbuhan, serapan tanaman, dan hasil hanjeli pulut (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) pada Inceptisol. Percobaan dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Lokasi penelitian berada pada ketinggian 822 meter di atas permukaan laut (dpl) pada bulan Mei 2017 sampai dengan Oktober 2017. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari sepuluh perlakuan dengan tiga kali ulangan yaitu kontrol, NPK standar, NPK + ¼ emulsi abu silika, NPK + ½ emulsi abu silika, NPK + ¾ emulsi abu silika, NPK + 1 emulsi abu silika, NPK + ¼ nano koloid silika, NPK + ½ nano koloid silika, NPK + ¾ nano koloid silika, serta NPK + 1 nano koloid silika. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pemberian pupuk silika organik terhadap serapan P, Si tanaman dan hasil hanjeli. Perlakuan NPK + 1 nano koloid silika memberikan Serapan P, Si tanaman serta hasil hanjeli tertinggi dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 0,61 g/tanaman, 7,56 g/tanaman, dan 210,63 g/tanaman.Kata Kunci: Kulit biji hanjeli, Pupuk Silika Organik, Serapan dan Hasil Hanjel


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    The objective of this research was to determine the effect of combinations of N, P, K and organic silica fertilizers In Soil P and Si and growth Of Job’s Tears (Coix Lacryma Jobi L.). This research began on May 2017 to October 2017. This research has been done in experimental of Faculty Agricultural, Padjadjaran University Jatinangor. The experiment was in Randomized Block Design (RCBD) consisting of ten treatments with three replications; (A) Control, (B) NPK standard, (C) NPK + ¼ Silica Emulsion, (D) NPK + ½ Silica Emulsion, (E) NPK + ¾ Silica Emulsion, (F) NPK + 1 Emulsion of Ash Silica , (G) NPK + ¼ Nano Colloidal Silica, (H) NPK + ½ Nano Colloidal Silica, (I) NPK + ¾ Nano Colloidal Silica, (J) NPK + 1 Nano Colloidal Silica.  The results showed that there was effect of Si fertilizer on soil P and plant growth. Treatment (J) NPK + 1 Colloidal Nano Silica gives Hanjeli the highest yield 5 MST, 7 MST, 9 MST and 11 MST with plant height 3.58 cm, 10.58 cm, 17.17 cm and 18.00 c